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Yasser Almaamoun


Yasser Almaamoun is „Foreign minister“ of the Center for Political Beauty (CPB). Since the Syrian apocalypse he lives in Berlin. He works as architect in a Berlin architecture office.

The CPB is an assault team that establishes moral beauty, political poetry and human greatness while aiming to preserve humanitarianism. For several years now, the CPB has engaged in a parallel German approach to foreign politics that uses humanity as a weapon. From Bosnia-Herzegovina and Aleppo straight to the mountains of Melilla, the group’s interventions demonstrate how art can be a fifth state power.

Frank Dörner

Frank Dörner studied human medicine at the Free University of Berlin, specialised in general medicine and gained a doctorate in the field of tropical medicine.

He started working in the field of Humanitarian Action with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in 1998. He went for a year as doctor to Sudan for Kala Azar treatment and later as project coordinator to Myanamar. Between 2003 and 2006 he was medical coordinator and head of mission of MSF’s HIV/Aids/TB-projects in Guatemala, later he worked as Operational Manager with a broad portfolio of countries and medical programs based in Geneva. From 2008-2014 he was General Director of MSF Germany. His last MSF project was in Sierra Leone to coordinate the medical work on Ebola end of 2014.
Currently he is back in medical work in Berlin as General practitioner and became part of „SeaWatch“, a private organisation involved in rescue of refugees in the Mediterranian. Frank has been recently with the first crew as medical doctor and emergency operations manager on the sea close to Lybia. The Sea Watch rescued within six days almost 600 people and made strong demands for urgently needed increase of rescue activities public.

Costica Dumbrava

Dr. Costica Dumbrava is postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Political Science of Maastricht University (the Netherlands) and the coordinator of the Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration, and Development (MACIMIDE). He has a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) and graduated master’s degrees in European Union Studies (Leiden University, the Netherlands) and Nationalism Studies (Central European University, Hungary). Dr. Dumbrava has been teaching and conducting research in the areas of migration, citizenship and ethnicity from comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives. His book entitled "Nationality, Citizenship and Ethno-Cultural Belonging. Preferential Membership Policies in Europe" was published in 2014 by Palgrave Macmillan. He also published articles in international academic journals such as Ethnic and Racial Studies and Ethnopolitics.

Unni Karunakara

Dr. Unni Karunakara has been a humanitarian worker and a public health professional for two decades with extensive experience in the delivery of health care to neglected populations affected by conflict, disasters and epidemics in Africa, Asia, and America. He was Medical Director of the medical humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)/Doctors Without Borders’ Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines (2005-2007) and later its International President (2010-2013). Unni serves on the Board of Directors of Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) India and MSF Holland. In 2001, he helped found vivo, an organization that works toward overcoming and preventing traumatic stress and its consequences. Unni is currently a Senior Fellow of the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale University, an Assistant Professor in the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University; and a Visiting Adjunct Professor at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University.

Jürgen Maier


Jürgen Maier has been  Director of the German NGO Forum Environment & Development - a NGO network, coordinating NGOs monitoring international policy processes regarding sustainable development, since 1996. He attended numerous WTO conferences and coordinated the Trade Justice Campaign at the Forum 1999-2005. Currently the Forum hosts the German coalition against TTIP: From 1993-1996 he worked as Director of the German Asia Foundation.

Gisela Penteker

Dr. med. Gisela Penteker is a general practitioner. She is active in the peace movement since 1982. She was sensitized on the subject of migration by the inclusion of Bosnian refugees. Gisela Penteker is speaker of the IPPNW AK Refugees – Asylum and Turkey Representative of the IPPNW-Board. Since 1998 she travels on behalf of medical peace organization regularly in Kurdish areas in Turkey. In addition, the doctor is board member of the Network for traumatized refugees in Lower Saxony (Netzwerk für traumatisierte Flüchtlinge in Niedersachsen e.V.) and speak up for refugees and deported people in the Lower Saxony Refugee Council (Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen). Her main focus and key activities are Turkey, Migration and health care, trauma, Immigration and asylum law.

Dorit Philipps

Dorit Philipps completed her studies of medicine at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin in July 2015. Currently, she is working as an intern at the refugee council of Brandenburg. For almost five years Dorit has been an active member of the Medibüro Berlin, which is a self-organized and non-governmental organization that tries to improve the health care provision for undocumented immigrants in Germany by political and pragmatic means. She also gained insights into the Turkish asylum system by working for several months as a volunteer at the Istanbul Interparish Migrant Program (IIMP) in 2012 and 2013, an ecumenical program that offers medical advice and social counseling to refugees in Istanbul.

Berenice Romero


Dr. med. Berenice Romero was born in Mexiko-City. She is psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in training. Berenice works since 2002 at the Intercultural Center for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (ZIPP) at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and is responsible for the psychiatric and psychotherapeutical care for patients which migration background.


Sabrina Schmitt


Sabrina Schmitt holds a Social Work degree and a Master`s degree in International Studies. She has been working as a program manager and advocacy officer for Doctors of the World for the last four years. She is currently a research associate in a research project on the political economy of care at Frauenakademie München. Her main field of expertise is Gender Studies, feminist political economy and health and migration policy.

Eva-Maria Schwienhorst

Eva-Maria Schwienhorst, MD, DTMPH, MScIH has worked in paediatrics and clinical tropical medicine and currently works for the German Leprosy and TB Relief Association (DAHW), an NGO with medical and social projects for vulnerable populations in 20 countries, where she is responsible for the medical projects in four South American and four Asian countries. She is co-founder of Medinetz Mainz e.V. - a clearing house for refugees, migrants and people without papers. Since 2006 she is the Deputy International Councillor of the German affiliate of IPPNW. She has interned at the Centre of Peace Studies at McMaster University in Canada, where “Peace through Health” had been developed and is a member of the working group of Medical Peace Work (MPW) and has lately co-authored several case studies for the teaching of issues around MPW, Global Health and among this refugee health.

Peter Tinnemann

Dr. med. Peter Tinnemann is physician and health researcher at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin with particular interest in social medicine, access to health care and health in a globalizing world. He holds a Master degree in Public Health from Cambridge University and has more than 10 years work experience with various international humanitarian aid organisations, e.g. Doctors without Boarders (MSF). In 2012 he found the association "Certified Medical Independence" training doctors in rational drug therapy. 

Norbert Trosien

Norbert Trosien is a German lawyer and works as Associate Protection Officer for the Representation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Berlin, Germany, since 2004. Among other issues, his portfolio includes the rights of recognized refugees and the search for durable solutions – that is, local integration, voluntary return, and resettlement. Since 2009, he is coordinating on behalf of UNHCR the establishment and the implementation of the German resettlement programme and – more recently – of the German humanitarian admission programme for Syrian refugees (HAP)

Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation

Health and Globalisation