Social Change not Climate Change

Alumni Conference on August 4, 2018

Let’s talk about “Social Change not Climate Change“ – The Alumni-Network Conference ahead of IPPNW’s international Global Health Summer School invites alumni, health workers and the general public to a one-day conference and networking event.

Our global society is in desperate need of a radical social transformation as we start experiencing the dramatic impacts of ecological destruction. Climate change is not the change we need, but the peak phenomenon of human impact on earth’s ecosystems.

In a globalized and highly economized world like today, our dependence on one another even over big distances is more intense than ever before. Economic mechanisms are not under tight democratic control and often seen as unchangeable ‘laws of the markets’. Their effects on human and environmental health offer a possibility for critical examination from a scientific and ethical but nonetheless radical perspective.

In this event we will connect last und this year’s summer school topics, bringing questions of climate change, economization, ethics and health together. We will analyse some of the root causes of environmental destruction, its impact on human health and different ways forward. Therefore, we are setting up a diverse event with different perspectives (various fields and forms of activism, scientific research, perspectives of affected people) that are communicated through talks and workshops. We invite you to join us in this participatory event on August 4th from 9:00 am at ESBZ (Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum). For questions please contact us at globalhealth[at]

The Global Health Summer School is IPPNW’s Academy for Global Health Activism, where students and young professionals from the health sector are trained to become proactive changemakers.


9:00 – 9:30
Meet & Greet

9:30 – 10:30
Climate Change & Health? What is the context of this event?
Rosa Emrich
AG Klimawandel und Gesundheit – kritische Mediziner*innen

10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 – 1:00

  • Daniel Hofinger, AusgeCO2hlt
    • Climate Justice - a grassroots perspective
  • Rebecca Gibbs, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, UK
    • Sustainability in health care - how to make a change
  • Louisa Chan Boegli, Medical Peace Work
    • Climate change, conflict and ethics - an MPW workshop
  • Vijoleta Gordeljevic, HEAL
    • Climate disaster and global inequalities - how one fuels the other

1:00 – 2:00
Lunch – Bantabaa Community

2:00 – 3:30
World Café
Discussion on the workshop topics

3:30 – 4:00
Coffee Break

4:00 – 5:30
Panel Discussion
How do we best catalyse radical transformation?
Daniel Hofinger, Rebecca Gibbs, Vijoleta Gordeljevic

5:30 – 6:00
Refection of the day

Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation

Health and Globalisation