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Anuj Kapilashrami



Dr. Anuj Kapilashrami is a Lecturer in Global Public Health and Associate Director of the Global Development Academy at the University of Edinburgh. She has an interdisciplinary background in Sociology and Public health with a specialisation in health policy and systems research. She works at the intersections of health politics, gender and development praxis, with particular interest in their interface with equity, human rights and social justice. Over the last seventeen years she has worked in academia and with various development actors in South Asia, South Africa, the UK & Europe in varying capacity.

Her research falls under two broad thematic areas, in which she has widely published -  1) Health policy and governance; specifically, equity, rights and health systems implications of global health actors and role of private sector in attaining universal health goals; 2) Gender (and intersectional) inequalities and social determinants of health.

She also convenes People’s Health Movement Scotland and is a Steering group member of the UK PHM. As part of this she has led a deliberative process to identify priorities for Scottish people’s health manifesto and health rights, and a participatory action research to deepen understandings of inequalities in access to health enabling resources among deprived communities in Scotland.


Eric Otieno

Eric Otieno is a Researcher & PhD candidate at the Research Unit “Protest & Reform in the Global Political Economy” at the Department of Development & Postcolonial Studies, University of Kassel, Germany. His background is in Global Political Economy, Sociology and Political Science. Currently, he is a visiting research associate at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, examining the role of South African protest (#FixthePatents Campaign) in advancing reform of the global intellectual property framework (TRIPS) at the World Trade Organisation pertaining to access to essential medicines. His research revisits the TRIPS Agreement from a postcolonial perspective and tests the prospect of transforming its influence on global health, intellectual property and International trade in practical and material terms. Eric has previous working experience in Public Relations & Global Health Policy at Medico International and the German Bundestag.


Tim Reed

Dr. Tim Reed has more than 30 years of experience in NGO management and medicines policy research. After directing a national UK-based charity for a decade, in 1997 Tim was awarded a BA Hons (first class) in Sociology with Development Studies from the University of Sussex in the UK and specialised in the Sociology of Health and Development and the Politics of Pharmaceutical policy. In 2003, he obtained his doctorate from Sussex for his thesis “The regulation of medicines in Central and Eastern Europe”. He is one of the few holders of a PhD specifically in the politics of medicines regulation, and it led him to became a lecturer in health policy, medicines and development from 2003 to 2006. His work on related issues has been published in a number of books and peer-reviewed journals including Science, Technology, Society; the British Medical JournalHealth Risk & SocietySocial Studies of Science and Social Science and Medicine. He also presented his work on medicines issues at numerous international conferences. Tim’s commitment to social equality in health led him to Health Action International’s European office in Amsterdam in 2005, where he became coordinator. First re-structuring the organization’s governance and accountability, and then re-building a vibrant global network, in 2007 he was appointed as the organization’s Global Director to manage global projects such as those conducted in partnership with WHO and the DFID sponsored Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) international secretariat.



Victoria Saint

Victoria Saint is a global and public health practitioner specialising in health equity and the social determinants of health. She currently works as an independent consultant for the World Health Organization, Charité University and other agencies. In addition, she works part time at the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Global Institute – Berlin as an Instructor Leader and Academic Advisor in the health track and Course Coordinator for several health courses. Victoria was a Technical Officer for the Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Unit, in the Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva from 2013 to 2015, and continued working with the SDH Unit as a retained consultant until the end of 2017. Prior to this, Victoria was the Research Development Manager for the Southgate Institute of Health, Society and Equity at Flinders University in Australia.  She has previously worked as a technical and research consultant in Australia, Sweden, Germany and India. Victoria has a Double Bachelor in Health Sciences and Social Sciences from University of Adelaide and a Masters of International Health from Uppsala University.

Renia Vagkopoulou

Renia Vagkopoulou is a medical doctor currently continuing her specialization as a general practitioner in Berlin. She has a Master of Science in International Health and a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Public Health.

In 2016/2017 she worked with Medecins Sans Frontieres in Greece as a Medical Advocacy Referent and as a doctor in projects aiming to meet the needs of refugees arriving on the Greek islands and mainland.

Her research has been focusing on social movements in health and on existing alternative health models around the world that aim to approach health from the point of view of social determination.  Within this field she has done research in Argentina, Greece, Belgium, Austria and Germany supported by institutions such as the University of Buenos Aires and of the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation.
She is a member of the People’s Health Movement, of the Verein Demokratischer Ärztinnen und Ärzten and of the Gesundheitskollektiv Berlin.  

Nader Talebi

Nader Talebi was born in Iran and received his B.Eng in software engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology in 2006. Working as a volunteer and activist with Afghan refugees and labouring children in Tehran, he became more interested in social science. As a result of his activism, he continued his studies in sociology. In 2010, Nader graduated from Allameh Tabatabai University of Tehran with an MA in sociology. His thesis was on the relation of child labour and social reproduction of social class. Nader Talebi is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology at Lancaster University with a background in software engineering. He is currently writing his thesis on the state power and revolution in Iran with Prof. Bob Jessop. Nader Talebi teaches at Humboldt University of Berlin since 2015 and works as a researcher at Berlin Institute of Migration and Integration Research (BIM). His seminar is on spaces of migration and refugee situation in Berlin. His research interest comprises State Theory, State Space, Migration, Historical Sociology, Political Sociology, Cultural Political Economy, Strategic-Relational Approach, and the Middle East modern history of Iran.

Wolf Rogowski

Wolf is professor of management and organizational development in health care at the University of Bremen, Germany. At the university’s Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, he is heading the Department of Health Care Management.
He holds a Ph.D. from the Munich School of Management and a Habilitation in Health Economics and Health Care Management from the Medical Faculty of Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (LMU) in Munich. He has held visiting fellowships at the Centre of Health Economics at the University of York (UK), the Hastings Center in Garrison, New York (USA) and the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston (USA).
Wolf explores the definition, measurement and implementation of “value” in health care, a topic of research at the intersection of ethics and economics. This includes: assessing welfarist and extra-welfarist theoretical concepts of defining “value”; measuring value empirically by means of cost-effectiveness and value of information analysis; and assessing means to support the implementation of valuable innovation in health care.

Jonathan Happ

Jonathan Happ is an independent filmmaker producing political documentaries for years now. In 2009 he was one of the founding members of the media collective that publishes current short movies about protests and direct actions regarding the Castor atomic waste transports, refugee solidarity, G7 and G20 summits as well as Ende Gelände occupations.

Jonathan is furthermore establishing the film factory ujuzi:media that produces international documentaries in a globalisation-critical context. Some of his productions were shown on international film festivals including the Greenscreen Filmfestival where they were awarded with „Best Newcomer 2016“ and „Audience award best shortmovie 2017“.

Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation

Health and Globalisation