Anne Roemer-Mahler

Anne Roemer-Mahler is an Associate Professor in International Relations and Deputy Director of the Centre for Global Health Policy at the University of Sussex (UK). She is also a Fellow at the Sussex Sustainability Research Programme. Anne has worked on the role of pharmaceutical companies in global health governance, in particular with regard to questions of access to medicines and medical countermeasures. More recently, Anne has been working with colleagues from Egypt, Ethiopia and Tanzania on antimicrobial resistance and health security in Africa. She holds a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Oxford and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Mara Linden

Mara Linden is a researcher in human geography at Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. For her current research project, she is interested in shifts and restructurings in the political field of global health, tracing politics intended to ensure economic and political security in light of globalisation and the governing of risks associated with health.

Anuj Kapilashrami

Prof. Kapilashrami is an Interdisciplinary social scientist trained in Sociology and Public health and Professor in Global health Policy and Equity in the School of Health & Social Care at University of Essex.

Her work lies at the intersections of health politics and development praxis, with particular interest in understanding their interface with equity, human rights, and social justice. She has longstanding research interest and experience that spreads over twenty years in both academia and civil society/ development sector in South Asia and the UK. Her current work focuses on advancing an intersectional approach, conceptually and empirically, to examine health inequalities and structural determinants of health and well-being. She has published widely in these areas of health policies and inequalities (100+ publications) and led Knowledge exchange and capacity building initiatives in South Asia, Central Asia, the UK and Europe. She is advisor to the UK-REACH study into Ethnicity And COVID-19 outcomes in healthcare workers and leads the ICOPE consortium set up to examine health workers’ experiences of covid-management from an intersectional lens. She has also undertaken human rights assessment of the pandemic for the WHO and IPPPR, and developed technical guidance for engaging communities in priority setting processes.

She a is longstanding member of the People’s Health Movement, and convened its Scotland chapter (until 2019), Trustee on the board of Health Poverty Action and Founding Chair of the MigrationHealth South Asia network. Kapilashrami is on the Gender Advisory Panel for WHO’s Human Reproduction Programme, and the Editorial advisory board for the BMJ, PLOS Global Public Health and Lancet GRaCE.

Christopher Knauth

For Dr. med Christopher Knauth, MCommH (Liverpool), Public Health is the interface between Social Sciences and Medicine.  In the 1990ties, he worked at the Heidelberg Institute for Tropical Hygiene and Public Health, both lecturing and providing consultancy services mainly for the German and European Development Cooperation (GTZ, KfW, and European Commission).  The lecturing was in Masters’ and Diploma Course, where from 1992-1998 he had a own module on Access to Medicines / Essential Drug Policies. Since 1999, he has been working for the Development Cooperation of the European Commission as EU official, with special focus on universal health coverage, health systems strengthening and fragile countries.  From 2016-2021 he worked for the EU Delegation in Sudan. He is now retired. Main areas of interest continue to be 1) Social and economic inequalities, 2) Global Health, 3) PHC/UHC, 4) comprehensive Health Systems Strengthening.

Remco van de Pas

Dr. Remco van de Pas is a public health doctor and a global health researcher. He has a position as senior research associate at the Centre for Planetary Health Policy (CPHP) in Berlin. Before he joined CPHP, he was a researcher and lecturer on global health policy at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp.
His teaching and research focuses on global health governance, its political-economy and foreign policy with a special attention on health workforce development, health system strengthening, social protection and health financing, global health security, environmental determinants of health, globalization and its impact on equity.

Elif Turan

Elif Turan, born in 1990 in Diyarbakir, is a physician and human rights acitivst. Elif studied Medicine at the Dicle University, where she graduated in 2015. While working in Silvan State Hospital Elif was dismissed from her job with a statutory decree in 2016. Now, Elif works at the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, an institution that treats victims of torture. She also works for the Diyarbakir Medical Chamber in management and for the human rights commission of both she has been the head  since 2020. 

Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation

Health and Globalisation