Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

The department of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin) aims to understand more about the impact of the globalisation process on health. The objective is to explore the processes and determinants that influence health throughout the world, focusing in particular on the health impact of Globalisation, the global distribution of health, and changes in global health governance. In the Institute’s view global health extends beyond the concepts of public and international health. More about us…

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War/Physicians in Social Responsibility e.V.

IPPNW is a non-governmental federation of national medical groups in 62 countries, representing tens of thousands of medical doctors, medical students, other health workers, and concerned citizens who share the common goal of creating a more peaceful and secure world freed from the threat of nuclear annihilation. The IPPNW Germany works on three substantive programmes: First, the abolition of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, informing the public about atomic energy, the threat of a catastrophe in the case of a reactor accident, its impact on public health and about the lobbying efforts by the energy companies in German politics. Second, the development of a “Culture of Peace” to raise the awareness of civil society for conflicts. Third, promoting social responsibility in the conviction that doctors carry a responsibility for the realization of a social, peaceful and healthy way of living. More about us…

Health Action International

Health Action International (HAI) is an independent, global network, working to increase access to essential medicines and improve their rational use through research excellence and evidence-based advocacy. HAI is working towards a world where all people, especially those who are poor or marginalised, are able to exercise their human right to health. HAI's goal is to achieve universal and equitable access to affordable essential medicines of assured quality and to ensure that those medicines are used rationally to promote the highest standards of health throughout the world. HAI supports rational and economic medicines’ policy and advocates for social justice in health care by improving access to essential medicines and promoting the rational use of medicines. More about us…

Partnership with School of Global Health (University of Copenhagen)

In 2012 the Global Health Summer School started a collaboration with the School of Global Health (University of Copenhagen) to set the agenda for transformative education in Global Health in Europe. Find more information about Global Health Summer Schools in Copenhagen here...

Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation

Health and Globalisation