
These were our speakers for the 2021 Summer School

Abdou-Rahime Diallo

Abdou Rahime Diallo comes from Guinea. Since 2005 he has been advising institutions and diaspora organizations in the areas of migration, development policy, participation and networking of diaspora organizations. One focus of his work is raising awareness of anti-racism and the dismantling of colonialities. He advises ministries of African, Caribbean and Pacific states, ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations) in the area of Migration-Development-Nexus.
He advices diaspora organizations for networking, organizational development and empowerment. Additionally, he advises Amnesty International, the Federal Police, the German-African Youth Initiative DAJ, the exchange programs ASA, ENSA, Weltwärts, Kulturweit (exchange program of the Foreign Office and UNESCO), EPIZ, in the area of anti-racism sensitization and decolonization of organizations. He is a member of the Migration Strategy Group - MSG, think tank of the German Marshall Fund of the United States of America, the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

Vera Dickhoff

Vera Dickhoff (she/her) has studied the intersection of energy, climate change and gender issues in Münster, Bologna, São Paulo and Berlin. She worked in the German Bundestag and for GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice e.V and currently writes for the Heinrich Böll Stiftung's site energytransition.org, where she specialises in issues regarding renewable energy and Latin America. Coming from a background of politics and law, she is especially interested in how these relate to the socio-ecological inequalities deriving from climate change, and is concluding her master's thesis on the subject of transregional climate litigation.
She believes in kindness as the highest virtue and is most likely to be found on climate rallys or in book stores.

Sabine Gabrysch

Sabine Gabrysch is Head of Research Department 2 on Climate Resilience of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) as well as Professor for Climate Change and Health at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Furthermore, she is an Honorary Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Before joining PIK and Charité in 2019, she headed the Unit of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and was Deputy Head of the Institute of Global Health at Heidelberg University. She holds a doctorate in medicine from Tübingen University and a PhD in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She is a member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) and of the Advisory Council "One Health" of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Her research focus is maternal and child health in low-income settings, in particular early life malnutrition. Guided by the transdisciplinary concept of Planetary Health, she aims to assess health and nutrition impacts of global environmental change and evaluate win-win solutions for the transition towards climate-resilient, sustainable and healthy food systems.

Katja Goebbels

Katja Goebbels is a trained physician working as a GP and holds a Master degree in International Health from the Charité. She has been part of the organizing team of IPPNW's Global Health Summer School for more than 6 years. Since 2009 she is an active member of IPPNW Germany and served on the directing board as Deputary International Councillor. Her interest lies in the topics of Climate Crisis, Medical Peace Work, and the links between economics, peace, climate and health.

Anya Gopfert

Dr Anya Gopfert has been involved in climate change and health advocacy since she was a medical student. From 2018-19, Anya worked as a National Medical Director's Clinical Leadership Fellow at the Health Foundation and contributed to work on the role of the NHS as an anchor institution. Anya is currently supporting the Health Foundation on their Futures work with regards to climate change and is a member of the Faculty of Public Health's Climate Emergency Committee.

Daniel Gutiérrez

Daniel Gutiérrez is co-founder of Werkstatt für Bewegungsbildung - a movement school dedicated to circulating the movement-building and organizing knowledge capable of helping everyday people build resilient, rewarding, and world-changing organizations. He is also a co-host of Spadework podcast, an educational project of the Werkstatt. As a precarious academic, he researches workers' organization, power, and strategy. He lives in Berlin.

Alfonso Cassiani Herrera


Alfonso Cassiani Herrera, is a Historian and a Specialist in the Teaching Social Sciences. His main fields of action include pedagogy, didactics, design, formulation and implementation of Ethno-educational programs Additionally, he is an expert in consultation methods and inquiry of collective memory. He has worked as a teacher and researcher in several universities in the Pacific Coast, the Southwest and the Caribbean. He currently serves as Rector of the Antonia Santos Ethnoeducational and Inclusive Institution and teacher of the Bachelor's Degree in Ethnoeducation at the University of Cauca. He is the author of several books and articles, among which it is possible to highlight: Palenque Magno: Resistances and libertarian struggles  from the  Palenque de la Matuna to  San Basilio Magno from 1599 to 1714 (2014). From black history: symbol, cosmovision and resistance (2014).  Pedagogical Reader son ri tambo. Palenque Speaks and Writes Palenquero Project (2011). Didactical Reader: Palenque o,Ethnoeducational Laboratory (2010).


Elly Jarvis

Elly Jarvis is a theater educator and performer located in Berlin, whose work is primarily dedicated to feminism and anti-sexism work. She completed her B.F.A. in Acting from the University of Michigan and M.A. in Theater Pedagogy at the University of Arts, Berlin. Her work with Theater of the Oppressed began in Detroit prisons through the "Prison Creative Arts Project". In Berlin she is allied with Kuringa, center for Theater of the Oppressed (www.kuringa.org), and is a member of the forum theater group Madalena-Berlin  - an affiliate of the global feminist theater of the oppressed Madalenas network. Madalena-Berlin have toured worldwide with their forum theater plays "No Means No", "The Pink Machine", and "The Rose-Colored Glasses". Elly devises many of her own projects, but can also be found working with the Deutsche Oper, Blue 21, ATZE Musiktheater, and Street College from Gangway e.V. Her website is: www.ellyjarvis.com.

Lucky Maisanye

Lucky Maisanye is a 35 years old environmental activist from a small coal mining town called eMalahleni in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. He is a member of an environmental cooperative that's based within our community. He has participated in the Weltwärts program between 2015 and 2016 with Welthaus Bielefeld. Additionally, he is the coordinator of a school partnership program here in South Africa between schools from SA and Germany since 2017.

Eric Otieno

Eric Otieno is a researcher and doctoral candidate at the Research Unit "Protest & Reform in the Global Political Economy" at the Chair for Development and  Postcolonial Studies, University of Kassel. With a background in International Political Economy and Sociology, his research pays attention to the role of South African protest in the 'Fix the Patents' Campaign and the wider Access to Medicines movement in fracturing the intellectual property rights framework (TRIPS) at the World Trade Organisation.  The goal is to understand how postcolonial political subjectivity is mediated by neoliberal globalization and its negative impact on health infrastructures in the Global South. Eric has previous working experience in Public Relations & Global Health Policy at Medico International and the B90/The Greens parliamentary group in the Bundestag. He was also a visiting researcher at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in (March-April) 2018.


Ilona M.Otto

Ilona M. Otto holds the Professorship in Societal Impacts of Climate Change at the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz. She leads a research group focusing on Social Complexity and System Transformation. The group’s ambition is to use complex science theory and novel research methods to analyse social dynamic processes and interventions that are likely to spark rapid social changes necessary to radically transform the interactions of human societies with nature and ecosystem services in the next 30 years. The last ten years she spent at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Prof. Otto is a principal investigator in an EU Horizon 2020 Project CASCADES: Cascading climate risks: Towards adaptive and resilient European Societies. She also coordinates a newly founded Climate KIC Project REBOOST: A Boost for Rural Lignite Regions. She led a chapter on human health in the World Bank Report Turn Down the Heat: Confronting the New Climate Normal as well she led a Report on Modelling the Impact of Climate Change on Poverty at a Subnational Scale that was contracted by the World Bank

Victoria Saint


Victoria Saint is a global and public health practitioner specialising in health equity and the social determinants of health. Since March 2019, she been working as a research associate in the Department of Population Medicine and Health Services Research (AG2), in the School of Public Health at Bielefeld University, where she is also doing her PhD on equity and gender dimensions of antimicrobial resistance. Victoria was a Technical Officer for the Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Unit, in the Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva from 2013 to 2015. From 2015-2019, Victoria worked as an independent consultant for the WHO and other UN and academic organisations, as well as working part time at the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Global Institute – Berlin as the Instructor Leader and Academic Advisor of the Global and Community Health Track. Prior to this, Victoria was the Research Development Manager for the Southgate Institute of Health, Society and Equity at Flinders University in Australia. Victoria has a Double Bachelor in Health Sciences and Social Sciences from University of Adelaide and a Masters of International Health from Uppsala University.


Unser Aller Wald

Unser Aller Wald is a small forest occupation near Cologne. This small, yet impressive collection of beech, oak, poplar and ash trees is inhabitated by activists since fall 2020. They are blocking the lignite open-pit mine Garzweiler 2, one of the biggest CO2 polluters in Europe. Two of their inhabitants will be speaking at this year’s Global Health Summer school. They want to talk about using civil disobedience as a means of stopping ecological and climate disasters, as well as about developing new forms of social relations to face the struggles of living in the age of climate crisis. They want to connect different movements and build a good life for everyone. They bring a lot of experience in political campaigns, mass climate interventions and self-organised political action.

Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation Health and Globalisation

Health and Globalisation